Professional Javascript Course
I learned in depth how JavaScript works to become a professional.
I am dedicated to developing web apps and hybrid apps for mobile, my strengths are JavaScript (ECMAScript 6+), HTML5 and CSS3, I use various technologies related to these such as React.js , React Native, Ionic, Node.js, Webpack, Express.js , PostgreSQL and authentication with Passport.js and JWT.
I learned in depth how JavaScript works to become a professional.
I learned basic fundamentals of Node.js developing my own package for node.
I used one of the most popular libraries to develop web apps, based on MVC.
I used the new technologies that javascript brings from ECMAScript 6 to ECMAScript 11.
I used callbacks, promises, async and await to make calls to APIs.
used to optimize an application and keep load times to a minimum.
With this course I applied what I learned to create an API using Node as a backend and all the functionalities that Express.js gives us.
I learned basic fundamentals of Javascript.
I used everything I learned from Javascript basics to do challenges and tasks.
I used git and github to version my projects and team them up with other contributors.
A simple "List Creator" project that allows you to add items to a list, delete individual items, or clear the entire list. Ideal for learning about DOM manipulation and events in JavaScript.
Simple application made in React, which shows the information of some heroes, use "query params".
This project made in React.js, in which you can search any gif using API from
This is a project made in React.js, open source in which you develop an online store with your shopping cart and calling each product from an API.
I developed a pokedex using React and webpack, making multiple calls to an API
This project made in JavaScript, open source in which you can play "simon says" using your keyboard.
This project made in JavaScript, open source in which you can play "tic-tac-toe".
Contact me to schedule an interview, in the following field or in my email that I leave below.